Jul 22, 2011
Day 203: La Marguerite
You know I’m always on the look out for nice pastries. However, it is also prudent that I don’t overdo it. As of present, I seem to be stepping in a pâtisserie about once every fortnight and for the intermittent weeks, perhaps a chocolaterie every second fortnight?
Arnaud Delmontel is a bit out of the way and quite a chance discovery. I had trodded my way to Montmartre in search of a small shop where I’ve previously bought some lovely matcha madeleine but unfortunately the shop is currently closed for its congé annuel. However, right across the street is Delmontel and its cakes on display just called out to me. Like moth to a light, I fluttered my way over and bought les petits gateaux for myself and Anne. The verdict? Mine was rich an creamy but Anne’s was a tad dry on the outside. A place to revisit when I’m in the area again next but perhaps not one to deliberately journey out for.
is this still not enough to lure you to visit? :p
ermmm…almost muahahaha
lol… obviously i need to work harder ;)
it definitely looks yummy on the picture at least :)
oh yeah, you still haven’t try the cakes from delmontel!
just once every fortnight?? i don’t think i could resist a single day if i was living there.
lol… but once you see the weighing scale tipping over and your pocket with a hole burning faster than you can say oops, you’ll tone it down a bit :p