Oct 15, 2011
Day 288: Sunny at Montsouris
Perhaps the autumn weather is not as bad as I thought. I can manage grey skies during the week while I’m at work, as long as every weekend is as sunny as today. Enough for me to sit outside with a good book and read for a few hours and I’m pleased as punch. What can I say? I’m a simple girl, enjoying simple things of life.
Clealy I am not the only one taking advantage of this pleasant weather. Families are out in throng. Couples too, whispering sweet nothing (or so I am assuming) to each other. And those of us flying solo, we’re content just to have our own me-time. I, for one, needed this, since I am a little stressed out from work. Here’s to oh sunny sunny day :)
nice…always love a sunny day…thus the term ‘brighten up your day’ ;)
it truly does. however, if i am such a sun baby, why am i not living in a country that have sunshine all year round all the time? actually, does such a country exist? :p
a desert?
that’ll be sauna bake, and no longer suitable-to-enjoy sunshine. when cooped inside, it’s not the same.