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Day 356: À l’année prochaine, Paris

What a sunny wintry day today had been (a bit nippy though) while I ran around this afternoon to grab a couple of things, finished up packing and headed for the airport to catch my flight out to spend winter holidays with my family and to see my friends again. My worry on delays due to airport security staff strike was duly misplaced, as the terminal I was in was unaffected and if anything, our flight even left a little ahead of schedule. Chrismas magic indeed.

This shot is also my final photo for Paris in terms of Project 365, as I won’t be back again till New Year’s Day. How apt that this beautiful belle was giving me a chance to shoot her under conditions how I love her best – sunny, with quaintness for such a large cosmopolitan city, and the feeling of never-changing charm. Despite having passed by this area countless of times throughout the year, it just never get old and I am still seduced by the sights before my eyes. I’ll see you again next year, my dear.

Category: Project 365

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4 scribbles & notes

  1. m3d says:

    Happpeyyy (^o^)

  2. zarin says:

    wait, no bird? awww man… hehe, kiddingggg
    sure doesn’t look wintery at all :)

    • Lil says:

      lol, none this time round. haven’t time to stand around and wait either for fear of missing my flight ;)

      i know, it looks like a gorgeous autumn day instead :D

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