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2011 by the numbers

Weeks living in Paris: 43

Apartment moving: 2

Short (2-4 day) trips taken: 8

Long trips taken: 2

Number of flights: 14

Number of train rides: 6

New countries travelled: 3

New language, learning in progress: 1

New dance, learning in progress: 1

Books read: 107 (and some random shouldn’t-admit-to-reading novellas)

Opera attended: 1

Concert attended: 1

10K run accomplished: 1

New restaurants tested: A couple of dozen – sorry lost count ;)

Ice-cream places tested: 9

Food-related salons attended: 3

Festival launch (sort of) gatecrashed: 2

Museums and monuments visited: 30+ (should do a proper list)

Size of photo folder: 16G

Number of photos taken: 4,680

New movie releases seen at the cinema: 12

New movie releases seen via online streaming: 5

New non-English movie releases seen: 4.5 (3 French*, 1 Chinese, 1/2 Burmese)

Number of arrondissement in Paris: 20

Arrondissement featured in Project 365: 20

Arrondissement featured only once in Project 365: 3

Posts for the most featured arrondissement (6ème, by the way): 46

Cultural métro stations featured: 6

Posts with photo of Sacré-Cœur: 3

Posts with photo of La Tour Eiffel: 8

Weeks remaining in Paris (for now anyway): 61 weeks

* I saw the final instalment of Harry Potter in French due to an error in the cinema ticket reservation system. Till this day, I still haven’t seen it in English!

Category: Fun Fact


12 scribbles & notes

  1. m3d says:

    quite a list eh ;) busy 2011

    • Lil says:

      well i’m trying to operate 2012 on the basis of “less is more” so got to curb the greedy concept a little… ;)

  2. Beejay says:

    16GB is quite a something lol … lotsa number ya =)

    • Lil says:

      it is a bit insane but now that i’m done with project 365 for the time being, we’ll see how 2012 goes ;)

  3. Chloé says:

    is that the photo folder just for 2011 or your lifetime photo folder??? :P

    also, i’m a bit disappointed about the numbers for Sacré-coeur and Eiffel tower ;) something to look forward to in 2012 maybe? :D

    thanks for the good read and nice look-out!

    • Lil says:

      only for 2011! well, i was aiming for a diverse of things to photograph during project 365 so to have too many of sacre-coeur and eiffel tower would defeat the purpose, no? but i do hope to work on my “36 views of…” this year ;)

  4. sila says:

    good numbers! :) hey i’m finally back here!

  5. Joyce says:

    i always wanted to tell u its so cool that u could keep track of things in numbers like this! haha i tried but failed miserably!

    • Lil says:

      i don’t always track numbers like this, but from time to time, when the mood strikes, the maths geek in me does come out to play ;)

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