Nov 28, 2013
Postcards: late Irish autumn (IE)
A few weeks ago, I was back in Ireland to meet my god-daughter for the very first time and to see those who are near and dear to me. In between, I had a little time to visit one of my alma maters (Trinity College Dublin), the centrally located St Stephen’s Green, and the luscious Wicklow mountains. Everywhere I went, the autumnal golden hues were unmissable. Everywhere I went, I saw unrivalled beauty.
Undoubtedly, I miss my former home. At the same time though, much has changed since I lived there. I am thankful to have constant family presence in Ireland, because my social circle had been diminishing in size, with one friend after another moving away for love and for career advancement. Even my adorable god-daughter and her parents are packing up for a new life Down Under in a few weeks. I’ll simply have to visit them sometimes soon, and one day when she’s older, she’ll come and stay during a spell so she can also learn to love France the way I do.
Definitely postcard material lil…especially the one with the horse and the sun peeking out behind the tree…well done ;)
Thanks Dan :)