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Joyeux Noël

I am currently sitting in the living room of my belle famille, to a background of lovely classic and seasonal instrumental music, all set for my first Christmas in France. I’ve taken some photos of Christmas ornaments around the house and of the creche at the corner, although this year we’re doing without a sapin de Noël. No worry, the presents will still appear in a timely manner to reward everyone on their good behaviour this year. ;)

Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

I’d like to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas and/or holiday season, and to thank you for following the adventures from my little corner of the world, even if sometimes they do arrive a few steps slower than they should. I’m still pondering about my new year blogging projects, and hoping to tie up the ideas in the next few days before the reveal.

In addition, I would like to also express my gratitude for the all love and support that I’ve received throughout the year, from sharing the thicks and thins with family, old and new friends. My life is enriched by your presence, in person or through the cyberweb, for this is how connected we are in this technological age.

Once again – Joyeux Noël!

Category: Event, Ma vie en France, People

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8 scribbles & notes

  1. Mika says:

    Joyeux Noël my dear,
    your pictures recall me when I was a child, not yet a Jedi, we used to make our own creche with my parents, when Xmas goes with magical. We were waiting for 12pm to put with big excitement the little Jesus on his bed of straw, and rush to the presents with a thrill.
    I cant wait for your Reveal, I guess our blog will be sweet, charming, original, I expect it would be like you indeed :-)

    Frozen kisses.

    • Lil says:

      Merci Mika!! The creche was set up in part by Zoe (who’s 4) and adored the stories of Christmas. Can’t wait to see you and Vero in the new year!!!

      Gros bisous

  2. Janice says:

    Dear Lilian, Season’s greetings to you and yours. Discovering your blog and knowing you is one of my “bons souvenirs” of 2013.


    • Lil says:

      Idem, Janice! We must organise to meet again at some stage soon, perhaps before you head back for CNY? I’ll be in touch when I’m back in Paris in a few days. Bises :)

  3. med says:

    Merry Xmas lil!!! ;)

  4. sila says:

    a little late, but merry christmas, lil! :)

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