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Day 331: Pavillon de Flore

I suspect this is the last of the autumn colours in the city. Everywhere else, trees seem to turn (nearly) nude overnight. From my windows, I can now look across the park to see buildings on the other side since the privacy shield provided by tree foliage is disappearing. Going out without a coat and a scarf is no longer an option, unless you’re trying to dodge work/school and therefore need to get a bad cold (or pneumonia for that matter).

It’s less than a month to Christmas but my countdown is currently to the winter solstice. The shortest day of the year. After that, with each passing day, we will see the day stretching itself longer again. Too little daylight hours is putting a real spoke into Project 365 since I’m exploring less in unknown neighbourhoods. You know what mama says about walking alone in the dark, especially when I haven’t a clue how to get out quickly from the area…

Category: Project 365

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2 scribbles & notes

  1. m3d says:

    time flies…and lil, u r going to complete this project soon too woohoo
    u think there would be a white x’mas for u this year?

    • Lil says:

      that’s right, and now i’m pondering if i should do another project 365 next year…

      not sure re white christmas this year. last year, at this time of year, it was already snowing but so far, so good (i’m definitely not complaining) to have reasonable weather without extreme chill ;)

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