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Early spring, abloom

Spring finally arrived in Paris. It has been a touch unfortunate that it came adist sustained peaks of pollution in the past week; such a shame that we could not be out and about to enjoy the sunshine and the blossoms without worrying about scratchy throat and allergic reactions. But, ah yes, but, as soon as the count dropped slightly, off we went for a stroll to visit the Iron Lady.

Spring in Paris

Spring in Paris

Spring in Paris

Spring in Paris

Spring in Paris

Spring in Paris

Spring in Paris

We didn’t stay out as long as we’d like, as I’ve been feeling the effect of the pollution. We’re expecting rain in the next few days, which normally I would bemoan but considering we need something to clear the air, I’ll live with it. Not for too long though, mind. The winter had felt long enough as it is. May there be many more sunny weekends to come for long walks and (re)discovering nooks and corners of Paris!

Category: Paris


4 scribbles & notes

  1. med says:

    Beautiful shots on the blooming flowers….my turn now for the cold…bbbrrrrrrr

  2. med says:

    Officially 2nd full winter ;)

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