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Day 57: Millenium Child(ren)

More sculpture from around Dublin and today, I trekked over to Christchurch for this piece by John Behan, commissioned by Barnardos, a children-focused charity, with support of Tipperary Crystal. It was unveiled at the end of 2000, in line with its aim to celebrate children in the new millenium.

I must say I have not worked with/on behalf of Barnardos before. Normally, I’m involved with fundraising for Unicef and I also sponsor a child through Action Aid. I know what I’ve been doing so far are the “easy” options, nonetheless I hope that some impact are made even if I’m not involved in a more hands-on approach or out on active advocacy efforts.

Category: Project 365

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2 scribbles & notes

  1. m3d says:

    we are sponsoring one child in africa via world vision too…yeap definitely an ‘easy’ option…hmmmm…hope i can do more in the future somehow…will start by being less selfish eh

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