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Day 83: Perspective

As you may have noticed, most of my exploration of Paris so far has been on the Left Bank (“Rive Gauche” as we call it here). Today is no difference. Well, it is weekday and there’s a limit of how much distance I can cover after work. Inevitably, it’ll be somewhere nearby that I can get to, easily, on foot.

This door on rue Monsieur Le Prince has a lovely sense of perspective and depth to it. The door was cleverly carved in the way it looks nearly three-dimensional, and felt quite the same way too. It was not a simple flat carving by any mean. To me, this is no longer just the front to a building. It is a work of art in its own right.

Category: Project 365

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6 scribbles & notes

  1. m3d says:

    wow..cool door hehe

  2. Selena says:

    nice one – almost an optical illusion

  3. Chloé says:

    you cannot imagine the number of times i’ve walked past this door thinking “i should really take a picture of it sometime” :$
    thanks, now i can have a copy of your picture maybe? :)

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