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On staying positive

Dusk by the sea

It had been a frantic few days.

As a result, the small pot of daffodils which I bought in support of Institut Curie sat there for 4 days before I got round to replanting it into a bigger pot. I did buy the soil for re-potting right the next day after I brought the daffodils home though.

As a result, I didn’t have time to bake some goodies for a girls’ evening with my friends and I ended up with a store-bought cake.

As a result, I was enormously happy to squeeze in a walk at Luxembourg Gardens with Frédéric on Saturday, when he surprised me after my science outreach activity afternoon and just before I left to meet the girls.

And so forth…

I won’t go into details but for most parts, the activities were positively rewarding (why would I torture myself doing them otherwise?) and I was very happy to see the people I get to see, to do what I was doing. However, I was also glad to have a little time on Sunday to catch up on personal things, like reading, emails, etc. Nothing out of the ordinary for a weekend, as I often cram as much as I could into one day so I would have a much more relaxing and lazy day next.

Still, my balancing act fell short this past weekend. Somehow, I felt frayed and weary. Energy sapped out of me, alarm bell ringing. I tried to scramble my way out of this.

I turned to humour to lift my melancholy, this time via the Northern Snippet, which I’ve recently discovered, and had me chuckling while partly nostalgic for a similar way of life I was once very familiar with.

I turned to holiday planning, so there is something to look forward to in the near future, not to mention to take the stress out of last minute organisation of 1,001 details.

I turned to Frédéric, who was very patient with my demands for reassurances. Luckily, this doesn’t happen too often or he’s going to start thinking I’m an emotional parasite.

I turned to happy news from family and friends, including upcoming luncheon to see some old friends, a couple more wedding announcements, an impatient wait for my nephew’s arrival (still 3.5 months to go and I have just found out the baby’s gender!), and a recent birthday celebration.

I turned to afternoon nap, an activity I last partook about a year ago when I was jetlagged after flying back from the Far East.

By not fixating on what else could have gone wrong, I found things looking up again and feeling lighter in spirit. Staying determined not to let things/people take me down, I grieved for the moment then stood up and walked away from the negativity. With the sun once shining again, even if the mercury registers low one digit temperature, there’s new warmth in the air somehow.

And just as I was finishing this post, I received a rather unexpected email in my inbox. I have just won a prize where a chef will be coming to my place in a couple of weeks to cook, for me and my guests, a delicious brunch. (Woohoo!) It should be interesting to see what the chef could whip up in my little Parisian kitchen!

Category: Musing

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3 scribbles & notes

  1. med says:

    yeay (^o^)

  2. Lil says:


    (this is the emoticon thread?)

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