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Easter touches

We had a festive Easter weekend chez mes beaux-parents, partly because it was, well, Easter, and partly because we were there to celebrate several family events in one fell swoop. F’s mum impressively prepared most of the feast for some 30-odd people herself and topped it up with a couple of specially ordered deli dishes, while F’s dad was in charge of the wine and champagne selection. Not much for the rest of us to do really, except to help setting up the place prior to guests’ arrival.

Easter decoration

Easter decoration

While I assisted with the set up, I also couldn’t help but snuck a few photos and here. Just as well, because everyone else who were there ended up taking tons of people shots and none of the decors. My belle-mère was delighted to have some pictures to show off the fruits of her labour. On the other hand, isn’t it terrible that once guests started arriving, I became sort of a shrinking violet and stopped playing photograher?

In any case, there were really no shortage of cameras whirling and clicking away. It seemed every third person had an actual camera, and every second was whipping out a camera-equipped smartphone too. In the mean time, I focused on not saying something silly or incomprehensible in French, especially when in conversation with extended family members whom I have not yet met before. ;)

Easter decoration

Easter decoration

Easter decoration

Easter decoration

Easter decoration

Easter decoration

Easter decoration

Easter decoration

For the excitable little girls, there was plenty of chocolate eggs and bunnies hidden all over the garden – inside flower pots, between low bushes, wedged to tree barks, strewn across the lawn – that a spot of chocolate hunting descended into a competition – each one smugly announced her bag was heavier than the others!

Despite a house full of people, there were inevitable left overs. Those among us who were staying over happily chowed down the content of the fridge at every subsequent meal while we were there, and walking off the calories with long strolls along the sea-front paths near the house. The rays of sunshine beaming down at us was quite a bonus, for otherwise it would get rather chilly, even for the end of April.

Category: Ma vie en France

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2 scribbles & notes

  1. medca says:

    elaborate and fun looking!!!

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