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A very picturesque Annecy

As soon as we stood across the Palais de l’Isle, I semi-regretted my decision to travel ultra-light in the photography gear department. With only a 40 mm fix lens, there was no way I could fit the frame to capture what I wanted. On the other hand, it means I ought to take on the challenge and work with what I have. Get creative, so to speak.



A former capital of the County of Geneva, Annecy is today one of the most expensive cities to live in (pricing comparable to major French cities) despite its village feel. This is perhaps unsurprising, given its abundance of charm and natural setting, yet blessed with quick and direct access to economically-affluent cities such as Geneva and Paris. Should one wishes to gain a wee bit more privacy and away from tourists’ path, there are several other towns around the lake as alternatives.

Trying to find a place to stay within a limited budget while still remaining within walking distance to the train station as well as the historic centre and the lake was not easy, so we turned to Airbnb for the very first time for a solution. We were happy to have found a room in Marc and Marie’s apartment, conveniently located, and their living area comes with a view of the mountains by the lake! They were also very gracious and helpful, ensuring our stay as comfortable as possible.









Despite the largely blustery weather, we spent most of our time outdoors, walking, sight-seeing, strolling one small passage after another. We managed to see just a couple of churches (we counted 4-5 within the historic centre itself) and none of the museums nor the castle. We only had a quick walk past the infamous market along the canals, for it was raining rather heavily that Friday morning, and jostling umbrella (and avoiding stand set-ups) within confined space was not my idea of sports.









We did not spend four days just walking the historic Annecy and lounging by the lake. We also braved the elements to hike the woods of a hill nearby, and to cycle around the lake in its entirety. F – courageous or foolish? – even went into the lake for a dip despite its teeth-chattering temperature. The only major activity we missed out was paragliding by Col de la Forclaz, for we reasoned that it’s something best done on clear, beautiful days – something we didn’t quite get this time round. Next trip? Who wants to come with us?

Ps: here are more photos of the historic Annecy if you wish to check them out.


All posts in this series:
Annecy: Lake Annecy | Flickr Photoset
Annecy: A very picturesque Annecy | Flickr Photoset
Annecy: 20/Vins: more like 12/20
Annecy: Hiking the Annecy-Sévrier way | Flickr Photoset
Annecy: Lunch at La Ciboulette
Annecy: Biking around Lake Annecy | Flickr Photoset

Category: Europe, France, Travel

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6 scribbles & notes

  1. medca says:

    super productive trip hehehe….i think it should be courageous F ;) i am pretty sure if i ask F he would say its worth the teeth chattering kekeke

  2. sila says:

    lovely! the canals do look quite lovely. i always imagine canals in a city to have a bit of pollution and perhaps a smell ;). i can’t believe f took a dip though. brrrr! the malaysian in me just wants to bring him big warm towels and hot soup

    • Lil says:

      Nope, unbelievable crystal clear water in Annecy! And I did bring him the towel as he got out so he could dry up quickly ;)

  3. Chloé says:

    I’m actually toying with the idea of trying out paragliding this summer. I’m mostly worried it’s too late/too pricey at this stage, but I must make a try and take a look at least… So many things to do & so little time!

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