Jun 29, 2014
Postcards: Sun, sea, sand in Bretagne Nord (FR)
We were back in Brittany, greeted by sunshine and what promised to be quite an active weekend. Because it was (sort of) summer, we were obviously obliged to go to the beach. We checked out a couple of them: one where the boys attempted to surf – C picked up this new hobby while in Brazil, and F was trying it out for the first time – in the rather chilly water of less than 20°C (brrrrr!), and one where I put on my baby step to swimming in the ocean, ahead of our vacation in Montenegro.
I must admit, it felt very good to escape the city (mostly talking about Paris here rather than Brest) and swap it for the fine sand beach of Blancs Sablons, even if it was a little breezy. I stayed by the sideline, alternating between watching the boys’ antics and reading. Any of the daily stress just melted away. When we got to Dunes de Sainte Marguerite on a different day, the tide was low and we could stroll quite far out of the bay.
Surely enough, when the tide turned, the bay also filled up quickly. The plus side of this? I felt quite reassured swimming here without any aid since I could go for quite a distance and still always clearly see the sea floor. Will I ever get to the stage of confidently swim when I can’t see how deep the water flows? Hmmm… :/
I think you have a good idea of the confidence I have in my swimming. Yet, swimming in the sea or oven without seeing the sea floor still makes me very nervous! You being so much braver than me in general, I’m sure you’ll be more confident than me, out there ;)
But now I’ll be daydreaming of the lovely seaside in Brittany or Montenegro all day long, that was cruel :P
Being brave and confident on dry solid land is quite different, and I haven’t entirely master the art of staying calm in the water either, eep! Maybe swimming month of May may help… ><