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Laughing with

No one laughs at God in the hospital
No one laughs at God in the war
No one’s laughing at God when they’re starving or freezing or so very poor

No one’s laughing at God
No one’s laughing at God
No one’s laughing at God, we’re all laughing with God

This song by Regina Spektor has been swirling in my head all day, and its lyrics of layers of meaning, depending on how you see it and how you want to interpret it. For me, it’s story-telling about human nature, of grasping for something to cling on in search for a sliver of hope or miracle, or even solace from something that one is not ready to face.

We live in a world where religion and God are evoked at a drop of a hat, often aimed at tearing the very fabric of society apart and instilling fear where there really shouldn’t be. We as part of the community couldn’t, and shouldn’t, let fanatic acts get to and silent us. But how do we go about changing the status quo? And do we?

Honestly, I don’t know.

All I know is, today, we need to stand together and stronger than ever. We must face the obstacles of the civic society in stride. We do not run, we do not hide, we do not cower. We do not give in to the absurd. And we definitely cannot start looking at one another with a judgemental veil across our eyes.

Am I too naïve or idealistic?


Does it matter?

No, not at all.

I look forward to the day when everyone’s laughing with each other.

Category: Musing


4 scribbles & notes

  1. med says:

    Yeap lil. Hoping for such a day to come soon too

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