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Day 158: Have a cold one

Tucked in one of the smaller streets behind Port Royal is this creative piece of street arts, which incorporates mural painting to exposed brick façade, along with fake wine leaves snaking around the edges. As a result, my brain is running away with the image of a hot day in the Caribbean where one grabs a cold drink and sit out to watch the world goes by.

In the mean time, the weather in Paris continues to be dull for most part and rather chilly too in the evening. I may have to pull out my little fleece throw from storage so I can be snuggly wrapped up when I sit in my apartment to read. I am just starting to read Harry Potter in French and it’s taking me quite some effort since I don’t always have the vocabulary to understand everything, and the name changes are confusing. For example, Hogwarts has been rechristened Poulards, muggles are somehow Moldus, and even Snape is now Rogue apparently. One word – confusing!

Category: Project 365

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4 scribbles & notes

  1. m3d says:

    wow…Harry Potter in French eh…i haven’t even touch the English version muahahaha….will catch the final installment of the movie though since it is going to be released soon ;)

  2. Chloé says:

    aw… that spot brings me back! it’s close to both my sister’s place and my old place. i used to walk by quite often… aw… i really miss that place (and not just the roommate! :P )

    • Lil says:

      indeed. and do you miss the occasional visitor too who seemed to always arrive after midnight and leaving at ungodly hours in the morning? :p

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