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Project 365 – Week 24

I had not set out to photograph the week in shades of pink and blue, and yet somehow that’s how this week’s round-up is taking shape. Unintentional colour scheme aside, I’m experimenting a good bit with F’s new toy and totally having lots of fun at it! Looking at the photos below, you could probably figure out which were shot using the dSLR and which using my good ol’ PnS ;)

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Designer's Days

10 Jun: I am not sure why these flyers have just popped up on the phone booth near where I live. Afterall, Designer’s Days took place through last week and if any of the events needed promotion, it should have taken place then, not now. In any case, I like the retro feel to the flyers and the use of a large apostrophe as its identifying logo. It is simple yet relatable, and it is clever too, how the repetitive images in the background are linked to the quotation or the person behind the quotation.

Blueberry muffins

11 Jun: I bought waaaay to much fruits over the weekend. A couple of melons, a bag of flat peaches, a box of strawberries, and a small box of blueberries. We couldn’t seem to eat them quickly enough so I even enlisted Chloé to take a melon and a few peaches home with her, and I decided to make blueberry muffins as well, as they were not quite as sweet as I’d like them to be. However, with this strategy, we managed to have fresh fruits for the first half of the week, followed by a couple of days with muffins as desserts. Yet another reason why I love summer.


12 Jun: While getting ready to go out for lunch with Céline, I noticed that my pedicure colour matches perfectly to this skirt. Partners in blue ;) I do seem to own a rather extraordinary amount of things in all shades of blue, and this is unlikely to change anytime soon. However, there is a good reason why I chose this colour for my pedicure – it is a reminder that our summer holiday will start soon, and this brilliant shade is very much present in our destination. Counting down!


13 Jun: If there’s any one gift that gives me pleasure and stresses me out at the same time, it’s a plant. Mike and Amy who stayed over last weekend presented me with a pot of hibiscus before they left, and I started to feel this sense of trepidation washed over me. See, I don’t have green fingers. They’re super duper black. I grew and killed a whole pot of herbs last summer, sent the daffodils to early wilting this spring, and in my entire life, I’ve only managed to keep a pot of peace lily intact for a good decade. One single plant. Wish me luck with these pink delights…


14 Jun: I am not a coffee drinker, and neither is F. We must be one of those rare few French household which doesn’t own a coffee machine of any sort, never mind a fancy Nespresso machine and the likes. I have also always assumed, for whatever reason, that the heart-shaped motif of a coffee foam is made by running a stick through the middle to create a downward-pull… and today I learned that that is not the case. There’s actually a technique to create the heart by pouring the hot milk in a particular manner while slightly tipping the cup. Learning something new everyday.

Flowers and bee

15 Jun: My friends and I have been talking about organising a trip to Giverny for a while now, but finding a spot on the calendar that works for all of us is a little trickier than we had anticipated. Still, we bought train tickets to go out there today, and we were very lucky to enjoy the charm of the village under full blast of sunshine and surrounded by spectacular colours from all the summer blooms. It was a good opportunity too for me to road-test F’s new camera more. I’m still trying to get the hang of it but an effort like this one is not too bad, don’t you think? ;)

Building art

16 Jun: Buildings in Paris are usually 6-7 storeys high, with notable exceptions the Tour Montparnasse, the hotel Concorde La Fayette at Porte Maillot, and the residential blocks in/around Chinatown in the 13th arrondissement. It is near Nationale that I spotted this mural against a tall apartment block, of a pink door that opens to the view of an ocean. However, I’m less sure of the light blue under the door. Is it the interior floor colour, or is it water flooding in upon opening of the door? I ponder too of its significance, if any.

Category: France, Paris, Project 365

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2 scribbles & notes

  1. med says:

    nice blue ;)
    not a big fan of coffee too but they do smell darn good hehehe
    that Bee photo is dslr? sweet!
    giant door to the toilet perhaps kekekekek

    • Lil says:

      Well now, I do like some good old Malaysian warung style coffee. I think it’s all the condensed milk ;)

      Yup, the photo of the bee was using the dSLR. In fact, all but the first and the last picture were shot with the dSLR. I still have a lot more to learn about handling that toy!

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