May 13, 2015
Cemetery parks
I know this is going to sound morbid, but if it is at all possible, I wouldn’t mind calling the Assistens Kirkegård or Bispebjerg Kirkegård my afterlife home. If only you’ve seen how beautiful, well-tended, serene and calming these cemeteries are, you’d wish for such a fine final resting spot too. The famous – and over-crowded – Père Lachaise in Paris would be envious of its Danish cousins.
What I like most is the idea that these cemeteries are more of a memorial garden for dearly beloved but departed. Unassuming and simple memorial plaques are found surrounded by lovingly cared-for blooms, pines and cherry blossoms line the lanes of the blocks. There are so much living in these space instead of otherwise, and I found myself strolling along with a light heart.
We also paid a little homage to a couple of famous Danes – Hans Christian Andersen who brought us fairy tales like the Little Mermaid and the Ugly Duckling, and Niels Bohr who developed the model of the atom and contributed to the Golden Age of Physics along with Einstein, Pauli and Schrödinger. I think they would make pretty cool post-mortem neighbours, don’t you agree?
ça me fait bizarre de dire ça, mais c’est un très beau cimetière en effet! Ce serait bien s’ils étaient tous comme ça…
Oui, je suis complètement d’accord!
hahaha ;)
fancy some fancy afterlife neighbours :p
Some green surroundings sure are a nice context for a final resting place if you ask me. But it’s tricky getting any greenery to stay in Père Lachaise…
Do go and visit Châteaubriand’s final resting spot in Saint-Malo! It’s quite awesome:
I agree it’s tricky to be bountifully green at PL, but not many cemetery are this green and full of blooms at the same time too. At least none among those I’ve visited. I’ve seen those with immaculate lawn though.
And yes, we did visit Le Grand Bé and that will come to the blog, at some point… ;)
Wow, that place is amazing! I had no idea it was so beautiful. Now I have another cemetery to add to my list of places to visit. Thanks so much for your lovely post.
Thanks Loren – I do hope you get to visit it, more than once even. They’re just gorgeous.